That appears to be a pre-emptive strike against Cisco Systems Inc. (Nasdaq: CSCO), which is said to be readying an announcement involving per-slot capacity of 120 Gbit/s. Cisco's plan could involve an upgrade to the CRS-1, rather than a wholly new box. (See Rumor: Cisco Prepping CRS-1 Successor.)"
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Juniper (and competition) FTW!
That appears to be a pre-emptive strike against Cisco Systems Inc. (Nasdaq: CSCO), which is said to be readying an announcement involving per-slot capacity of 120 Gbit/s. Cisco's plan could involve an upgrade to the CRS-1, rather than a wholly new box. (See Rumor: Cisco Prepping CRS-1 Successor.)"
Always Innovating: Introducing the Touch Book
"Netbook reloaded
Until now, all netbooks were engineered the same way: Power-hungry Intel Atom, ugly case, and outdated 90's OS. Our goal: To achieve a breakthrough in both architecture and design. The result: a revolutionary device that works as both a netbook and a standalone tablet thanks to a detachable keyboard and a 3D touchscreen user interface."
One word: "want!"
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Fix Congress First!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Change Congress - politicians should work for the people, not special interests!
Check out Change Congress for a real way to effect change in Congress (e.g. NOT just voting willy-nilly for candidates to "send messages" to candidates already elected to bring about change.)
Thursday, January 7, 2010
A Better Chromium for Mac Updater
--Developed by Aaron Daubman, original by Dominic Barnes (
--Version 0.5
--specify a proxy, set to "" if none
set proxHost to ""
--find latest build number
set the_source to do shell script "curl " & proxHost
--locate the installed Chromium's plist to get the version
set appPath to POSIX path of (path to applications folder) & "/"
set appPlist to appPath & "/Contents/Info.plist"
set curVer to "Not Found"
tell application "System Events"
set curVer to value of property list item "SVNRevision" of property list file appPlist
end tell
end try
display dialog "Your version of Chromium is: " & curVer & "
Latest version is: " & the_source buttons {"Cancel", "Upgrade!"} default button 2
--set local directory info
set remFile to ""
set locDir to "~/Downloads/"
set locFile to ""
--quit running chromium
set wasRunning to false
if application "Chromium" is running then
display dialog "Chromium is currently running, continuing will quit!" buttons {"Cancel", "Continue and Quit!"} default button 2
set wasRunning to true
tell application "Chromium" to quit
end if
--download latest build using build number in the_source
do shell script "curl" & the_source & "/" & remFile & " -o " & locDir & locFile & " " & proxHost
--unpack and copy
do shell script "unzip -o " & locDir & locFile & " -d " & locDir
--move existing Chromium and copy new
do shell script "cp -pR " & appPath & " " & appPath & ".OLD"
do shell script "rm -R " & appPath
end try
do shell script "mkdir -p " & appPath
do shell script "mkdir -p " & appPath & "/Contents"
do shell script "cp -pR " & locDir & "chrome-mac/ " & appPath
--Cleanup folders and files
do shell script "rm -R " & locDir & "chrome-mac*"
do shell script "rm -R " & appPath & ".OLD"
end try
--re-open chromium if it was open
if wasRunning then
tell application "Chromium" to activate
end if
display dialog "Chromium build " & the_source & " has been installed"
Copy the code above and paste it into the 'AppleScript Editor' app, and save as something like "UpdateChromium.scpt". Running the script (or saving it as an application to run more easily) should then provide you with the necessary options to stay up to date with the latest Chromium builds.
Why would you want the latest builds, you might ask? Well, for one, as of this writing, extensions were still not enabled in the official Mac beta of Chrome - however they seem to be working quite well for me in the latest Chromium builds.
Happy (and Speedy!) Browsing!